Free Pickup and Delivery
North Hills offers free pickup and delivery service in selected areas. This has been our area of expertise for over 65 years. Our drivers are extremely dependable and punctual; effectively eliminating your valuable time spent on clothing care responsibilities. The response of virtually every customer that begins using our delivery service is “I wish I had done this sooner!” An email or brief phone conversation is all that is needed to establish this service.
Drycleaning at Its Finest
North Hills is a Certified Master Drycleaner, using the unique Sanitone cleaning method. It is the only drycleaning technique that is endorsed by leading clothing manufacturers. Our drycleaning machinery is state of the art, computer controlled, equipped to accommodate any drycleaning requirement. Our cleaning experts do whatever is necessary to safely remove any spots or stains. Loose buttons and open seams are repaired. Our excellent finishers give the utmost attention to properly pressing each garment. We inspect each and every garment no less than five times before returning it to our customer. Simply stated, North Hills provides the very best drycleaning service available anywhere.
Wetcleaning is the art of cleaning items using water, usually by hand, not by machine. The North Hills wetcleaning department utilizes temperature controlled stainless steel tubs and unique drying techniques. This method of cleaning is chosen for various reasons; the garment’s care label may direct it, certain spots or stains may warrant it, or our cleaning experts may choose it as being the best cleaning method.
Laundered Shirts
North Hills’ shirt service, like our drycleaning service, is the finest available. Using the very finest detergent available and state of the art washing machines, shirts are washed under absolute optimum conditions. The detergent utilizes enzymes and non-chlorine bleach to clean your shirts safely and effectively without the use of extreme hot water. This extends your shirts life expectancy well beyond typical commercial laundering. Finishing is achieved with the very best automated presses, addressing every detail (i.e. sleeve pleats at each cuff) resulting in a shirt to satisfy the most discriminating eye. Every shirt is inspected after pressing for broken or fractured buttons which are replaced as needed from our extensive stock of standard and designer buttons.
Alterations and Repairs
From seam repairs, zipper replacements, altering hem or sleeve lengths, lining replacements, North Hills provides superior workmanship for all your wardrobe maintenance needs.
Fur and Leather Cleaning and Storage

Fur and Leather Cleaning
Fur, suede, and leather cleaning are provided by North Hills through the use of an outside agency. We have had an ongoing relationship with our agent for over forty years. He truly is an expert in his field. Often times he will personally call our customers to inform of any risks involved prior to cleaning a garment. Processing animal skins is very different than handling textiles. Poor construction techniques as well as hidden flaws in skins themselves can make many items virtually unserviceable.

Occasionally, a suede or leather piece will not respond well to the cleaning and dying process. This may cause the color and texture of the garment to vary from its original appearance. For a quick education about leather apparel, we suggest you visit the site of the Leather Apparel Association,

Fur and Leather Storage
Protect your valuable investment at North Hills. Store your furs and leathers in a controlled environment in our Underwriters Certified vault. Our fees are very competitive with local retailers and furriers. The distinct advantage of storing with North Hills is that we store on our own premises, allowing your garment to be picked up or delivered with very short notice.

Furriers recommend that any garment that is fur, or is fur trimmed, should be kept in cold storage during the warm seasons. It is also recommended that they should be cleaned and glazed every three years, another service that we provide. Failure to properly care for your fur can result in a shortened life span and possible permanent damage.

Free Seasonal Storage*

*excluding fur, leather, and specialty items

5 Reasons Why You Should Store Your Seasonal Clothing with North Hills:

1. Your Clothes are Cleaned Prior to Storing
The most important thing to remember when storing garments for a season is to only store clean clothing. Putting away dirty clothes may permanently ruin them. Residual food or beverage stains may yellow with age and can also attract insects. Many stains can weaken fabrics and holes may develop. Road salt can have a very harmful effect on textile fibers. Even if you do not have your clothes put in cold storage for the season you should have them cleaned before putting them away.

2. Your Clothes are in a Safe
    Controlled Environment

North Hills has a storage vault specifically designed to store clothing and furs. It is temperature, humidity, and air circulation controlled. There is an Underwriters Certified combination safe door. There are over 800 linear feet of racks that allow your cleaned clothes (which are hung neatly on hangers) to have plenty of space to breathe.

3. Your Clothes are Freshly Pressed
    after Storing

Upon your request (one week’s notice, please!) we will press, finish and package your clothing. We will make any necessary repairs so that your clothes are ready to wear. If there are more extensive repairs that we believe should be done we will call you. Our goal, as always, is to provide you with the best possible care for your clothing investment.

4. The Convenience of Free Pickup and
    Delivery Service

Allow us to simplify your clothing care needs by picking up your seasonal clothing as well as delivering it all back to you upon your request. And of course, as always, our delivery service is free!

5. Storage is Free!*
There is no fee for storage for up to one full year. You simply pay our customary cleaning and pressing charges which are not due until you receive your clothes back for the season.